אני מאמינה שעם תכנון הולם, כל בני המשפחה יכולים ליהנות מנוחות ומשקט נפשי. כאשר דואגים להסדרים הדרושים מראש, יש פחות מתח בין בני המשפחה, והסיכון לסכסוכים בין בני המשפחה יורד. זאת ועוד, כאשר העניינים מוסדרים מראש, אירועים כמו אובדן כשרות משפטית, פטירה או גירושין, אמנם קשים רגשית, אך אינם צפויים לפגוע באופן משמעותי באורח החיים של המשפחה.
שלושת עקרונות היסוד שלי

My goal is to provide the highest quality of legal service. In order to do so, in addition to the experience I gain as a practitioner, I regularly invest time and effort in educating myself on all relevant topics. Furthermore, I strongly believe in cooperation with other professionals that can make a valuable contribution to the client.

Personal attention and service
Each family has its own unique characteristics, needs, wishes, restraints, and more, and often, the discussion on the transfer of assets to the next generation is complex and sensitive. it is therefore greatly important for me to be attentive and available to my clients as much as possible. Only by maintaining good communication it is possible to properly understand the family needs, and to make a "made-to-measure suit" to meet them.

Each family is unique and has its own needs and desires. often, in these situations there is no "straight forward" solution, and only by thinking "out-of-the-box" can the best solution be found.
התהליך: "חליפה לפי מידה"
The first step, and the most important one, is a discussion with you, the client. The purpose of this discussion is to fully understand your needs, desires and requirements.
Next, we discuss the legal instruments that best fulfill these requirements. Such instruments may be the setting up of as trust, as well as drafting a will or an Enduring Power of Attorney. This is where you can also ask any question about these instruments and how they can meet your needs.
Based on the above, a detailed plan of action is devised. Such plan relates to the legal instruments which will be implemented, how they will be used, when, etc..
The plan is then executed.
איך אני יכולה לעזור לך?
MEYTAL LIBERMAN, Advocate & Notary
Trusts and intergenerational transfers of assets.
Trusts | Wills and Inheritance | Enduring Power of Attorney | Prenuptial and Joint Life Agreements | Transactions of Assets | Notarial Services.